New Dentist Trustee Application

The Idaho State Dental Association has been the leading authority on dental health in Idaho for over a century. As one of the fastest growing states for new dentists, the ISDA Board of Trustees approved a bylaw change to create a trustee position reserved specifically for a New Dentist.

If you've graduated from dental school within the last ten years and want to help shape the future of your career in Idaho, apply today to serve for two years on the Board of Trustees. It's a great opportunity to be a part of organized dentistry and to shape the future of the association and the dental profession in Idaho. The time commitment is three board meetings per year and participation in an ISDA-sponsored committee for a term of two years. If selected, your opinions will be valued and your vote will have the same gravity as any other trustee.

Let your voice be heard and help shape the future of dentistry in Idaho - fill out the form to indicate your interest!